Photo Album
2011 Photo Album

Early Iris Exhibit at Summer Winds Nursery
A guest voting on an iris entry at the early iris exhibit on April 4, 2015

Early Iris Exhibit at Summer Winds Nursery
Potted iris sales at Summer Winds Nursery on April 4, 2015
2015 Photo Album

Early Iris Exhibit at Summerwinds Nursery
SCIS members at early iris exhibit at Summerwinds Nursery on April 2, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Preparing horticulture entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Horticulture entries at Christown Spectrum mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Horticulture entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Horticulture entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Horticulture entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Artistic design entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Horticulture entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Artistic Design entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Iris Show at Christown Spectrum Mall
Artistic design entries at Christown Spectrum Mall on April 16, 2016

Sedona Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Sedona on April 23, 2016

Sedona Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Sedona on April 23, 2016

Sedona Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Sedona on April 23, 2016

Sedona Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Sedona on April 23, 2016

Forest Lakes Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2016

Forest Lakes Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2016

Forest Lakes Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2016

Forest Lakes Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2016

Forest Lakes Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2016

Forest Lakes Garden Visit and Judges Training
Member's garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2016
2016 Photo Album

March dinner and meeting at Valley Garden Center
Club dinner and meeting with judges training (presented by a spuria hybridizer) on Spuria iris at Valley Garden Center on March 7, 2017

SCIS Pre-Trek Tour
SCIS members making a pre-trek tour of guest gardens, the "pool iris" on April 2, 2017

SCIS Pre-Trek Tour
SCIS members making a pre-trek tour of guest gardens, the "pool iris" on April 2, 2017

SCIS Pre-Trek Tour
SCIS members making a pre-trek tour of guest gardens, the "pool iris" on April 2, 2017

Iris Show at Summerwinds Nursery
Judges at the artistic design entries at Summerwinds Nursery on April 8, 2017

Iris Show at Summerwinds Nursery
Artistic design entries (foreground) and horticulture entries (background) at Summerwinds Nursery on April 8, 2017

Iris Show at Summerwinds Nursery
Best in Show 'That's All Folks' at Summerwinds Nursery on April 8, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Sedona on April 30, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Sedona on April 30, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Forest Lakes
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Forest Lakes on June 10, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Forest Lakes
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Forest Lakes on June 10, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Forest Lakes
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Forest Lakes on June 10, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Forest Lakes
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Forest Lakes on June 10, 2017

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Forest Lakes
Garden visit and judge's training at member's garden in Forest Lakes on June 10, 2017
2017 Photo Album

Late Iris Exhibit at Summerwinds Nursery
Late iris exhibit and potted iris sale at Summerwinds Nursery on May 4, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Sedona on May 11, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Sedona on May 11, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Sedona on May 11, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Sedona on May 11, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Sedona
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Sedona on May 11, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Garden Visit and Judges Training in Payson
Garden visit and judges training at a members garden in Payson on May 18, 2019

Rhizome Sales at Summerwinds Nursery
SCIS member giving presentation on planting iris at Summerwinds Nursery on October 12, 2019

Rhizome Sales at Summerwinds Nursery
SCIS member giving presentation on planting iris at Summerwinds Nursery on October 12, 2019

Club Meeting at the Valley Garden Center
Member iris auction at a club meeting at the Valley Garden Center on September 3, 2019

Club Meeting at the Valley Garden Center
Member iris auction at a club meeting at the Valley Garden Center on September 3, 2019
2019 Photo Album

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
SCIS members enjoying a picnic at a members garden in Star Valley post spring events, circa May 1988

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
SCIS members taking a post Trek trip to the Prescott and Chino Valley areas to visit local gardens, circa 1988

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
SCIS table at the Valley Garden Center Palmcraft home show (unknown date)

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
First Sun Country Iris Society president, circa 1969

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
Iris entries at an early iris exhibit at the Valley Garden Center circa March 1990

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
Attendees at a AIS National Convention at a guest garden hosted by Sun Country Iris Society at the Point Tapatio, circa 1987

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
Attendees at a AIS National Convention guest garden hosted by Sun Country Iris Society at the Point Tapatio, circa 1987

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
Sun Country Iris Society members visiting a local iris garden in Phoenix (unknown date)

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
The beginning of Superstition Iris Garden in Apache Junction (SCIS member, unknown date)

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
AIS National Convention "Fiesta Phoenix" banquet hosted by Sun Country Iris Society, circa 1987

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
Hybridizers at an AIS National Convention guest garden hosted by Sun Country Iris Society, circa 1987

50th Anniversary Celebration (2019) - historic photos
Sun Country Iris Society award plaques on display at an iris show at Christown Mall on April 12, 2012
2019 50th Anniversary Celebration
with Historic Photos

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS visiting a members garden in Forest Lakes on June 12. 2021.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS visiting a members garden in Forest Lakes on June 12. 2021.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Harvest
SCIS members preparing rhizomes Aug 21, 2021 for the Payson Farmers Market sale on Aug 28.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Harvest
SCIS members preparing rhizomes at the Payson dig Aug 2021 for the Payson Farmers Market sale on Aug 28.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Harvest
SCIS members preparing rhizomes at the Payson dig Aug 2021 for the Payson Farmers Market sale on Aug 28.

Sun Country Iris Society
SCIS members attending the Region 15 Fall Trek hosted by the Prescott Area Iris Society on Oct 23, 2021.
2021 Photo Album

Sun Country Iris Society Potted Iris Sale
SCIS potted iris sales at a local nursery on March 3, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Club Meeting
SCIS members receiving bare root rose plants from a local rose farmer.

Sun Country Iris Society Potted Iris Sale
SCIS potted iris sales at Whitfill Nursery on March 26, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Early Iris Exhibit
SCIS early iris exhibit at Whitfill Nursery on March 26, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Early Iris Exhibit
SCIS early iris exhibit at Whitfill Nursery on March 26, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Hybridizing Training
SCIS members learning how to hybridize at a members garden in Phoenix.

Sun Country Iris Society Hybridizing Training
SCIS members learning how to hybridize at a members garden in Phoenix.

Sun Country Iris Society Iris Show
AIS judges at an iris show at Chandler Fashion Mall on April 23, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Iris Show
AIS judges at an iris show at Chandler Fashion Mall on April 23, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Iris Show
AIS judges at an iris show at Chandler Fashion Mall on April 23, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Sedona on May 7, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Sedona on May 7, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Sedona on May 7, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Payson on May 14, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Payson on May 14, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Payson on May 14, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Payson on May 14, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Payson on May 14, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Forest Lakes on June 11, 2022.

Sun Country Iris Society Artistic Design Training
SCIS judges training on artistic design at a member home on Nov 5, 2022
2022 Photo Album

Sun Country Iris Society Members Meeting
SCIS members giving a presentation on artistic design at the monthly members meeting on March 7, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Members Meeting
Members giving presentation on upcoming AIS Iris Show on April 4, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society AIS Iris Show
SCIS member prepping a horticultural entry at the AIS iris show at Berridge Nursery on April 15, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society AIS Iris Show
SCIS member prepping a horticultural entry at the AIS iris show at Berridge Nursery on April 15, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society AIS Iris Show
SCIS post judging horticultural entries at the AIS iris show at Berridge Nursery on April 15, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society AIS Iris Show
SCIS AIS judges evaluating a horticultural entry at the AIS iris show at Berridge Nursery on April 15, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society AIS Iris Show
SCIS artistic design entries at the AIS iris show at Berridge Nursery on April 15, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society AIS Iris Show
SCIS horticultural entries at the AIS iris show at Berridge Nursery on April 15, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society garden visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Sedona on May 6, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society garden visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Sedona on May 6, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Garden Visit
SCIS garden visit and judges training in Sedona on May 6, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Monthly Meeting
SCIS members receiving a presentation on birds, about backyard birds and tips to attract them on June 6, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Members Meeting
SCIS President recognizing the winner of the SCIS updated Logo contest on June 6, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Monthly Meeting
SCIS members receiving a presentation on birds, about backyard birds and tips to attract them on June 6, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Harvest
SCIS members at a rhizome harvest in Sedona on August 19, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Harvest
SCIS members at a rhizome harvest in Sedona on August 19, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Sale
SCIS rhizome booth at the Payson Farmers Market on August 26, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Sale
SCIS rhizome booth at the Payson Farmers Market on August 26, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Auction
SCIS rhizome auction at the monthly members meeting on September 5, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Auction
SCIS rhizome auction at the monthly members meeting on September 5, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Auction
SCIS rhizome auction at the monthly members meeting on September 5, 2023.

Sun Country Iris Society Members Rhizome Sale
SCIS members rhizome sale at the monthly members meeting on September 5, 2023.
2023 Photo Album
‘Elizabethian Age’ TB 33″ EM 2005 – L. Baumunk – photo by F. Cheswick